Sunday, October 2, 2011


While unloading pictures from my phone I found several pictures of Sierra that I thought were too cute NOT to share.
Sierra learned last spring the joys of dipping your Wendy's french fries into a frosty. She LOVED it and will now only eat her Wendy's fries this way.
Her first pigtails and deciding to have some input in how she dresses. Unfortunately I haven't been very good at capturing them all. Even my favorite....her cute black and white skirt paired with Ben's starwars t-shirt and Little Green Men socks.
She loves the pool and loves her brothers. She had to have goggles on just like Andrew.
Check out that wild hair! This picture reminded me of a picture my parents have of me at about the same age.Trying out a new style to help control the wildness that is Sierra's hair.
This is what happens when Mommy is feeding Daniel, daddy's on his way out the door to get to the Priesthood Session of conference. He was wearing his clean white shirt and she was a little less messy, so he didn't want to get her down and decided to just give her more even though she had mentioned that she was done.
I guess she really was, when I went in to get her out this is what i found...spaghetti EVERYWHERE!
A better shot just before I hosed her down in the bath.
I was in the middle of making bread too so she decided she would 'help' me. She wanted her own bowl with some flour, I wouldn't give her any for this very reason. Well, I forgot to put the lid back on the flour so she helped her self. Note the clothing...Andrew had taken off his t-ball tshirt so she decided she needed to put it on. At least she had on clothes! She would run around naked if I would let her....and she does at times (well, at least with a diaper)
Sierra's so sweet and so helpful. We are truly blessed to have her in our family. I just can't believe how big she is and how fast she's learning new things. I love taking the time to slow down my life and marvel in what she has to say.

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